Friday, December 17, 2010

Hibiscus Tea Poached Pears

I'm hosting the last Weekend Herb Blogging for the year - it will be taking a short break before resuming on January 3rd. This week for WHB I have Packham Pears.

Packham Pears© by Haalo

It is supposedly summer here and stone fruits are becoming more readily available but as much as I love them, we shouldn't forget the fruit like pears, that have kept us company through winter.

Poaching pears is an easy thing to do but turns an ordinary fruit into something special. I've previously poached pears in a sugar syrup and red wine - I particularly like the colour change that happens when poaching in red wine but I realise that not everyone cooks with wine.

So I've come up with a way to get that colour change without having to use wine. I consider this an adaptation of those chamomile tea poached cherries I made last month - this time I'm using Hibiscus tea!

Hibiscus Tea Poached Packham Pears© by Haalo

Hibiscus Tea Poached Pears

2 packham pears, peeled and quartered

2 cups water

½ cup sugar

3 teaspoons hibiscus tea

Make sure you use a saucepan that will snugly hold the pears.

Pour the water and sugar into a saucepan and place over a medium heat - stir until the sugar has dissolved. Add in the hibiscus tea and gently simmer for a minute before adding the pears. There should be enough liquid to cover the pears - if not add a little more until they are covered.

Place a sheet of baking paper against the surface of the water and place a light weight to gently keep the pears submerged. Simmer for about 10 - just until the pears begin to soften. Remove from the heat and allow the pears to continue cooking in the residual heat of the syrup.

I've done it this way so the hibiscus has as much time as possible to colour the fruit. For maximum colour effect store the pears in the syrup.

Hibiscus Tea Poached Packham Pears© by Haalo

I think you'd have to agree that these pears could pretty much fool anyone. Apart from colouring the pears, the hibiscus tea also imparts its flavour to the syrup, hints of berry give it quite a summery feel.

Hibiscus Tea Poached Packham Pears© by Haalo

I've served these pears on blue cornmeal waffles - I've also reduced the poaching liquid to create an accompanying syrup. Not a bad way to start the day!

If you'd like to take part in Weekend Herb Blogging - you still have time.

Just send your entry to whb AT cookalmostanything DOT com

with WHB#264 in the subject line and the following details:

  • Your name

  • Your Blog/URL

  • Your Post URL

  • Your Location

  • Attach a photo: 300px wide

Entries close:

  • 3pm Sunday - Utah Time

  • 10pm Sunday - London Time

  • 11pm Sunday - Rome Time

  • 9am Monday - Melbourne (Aus) DS Time (as this is busy time of the year I'll be accepting entries until midday melbourne time)

Further details can be found at the announcement post.

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