Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Revisiting Chipotle-Maple Peanut Brittle

With this being Thanksgiving week, several of Jeff's co-workers won't be in the office for the weekly Wednesday treat day item. Since there should be at least few people there, we did still make a smaller treat to bring in and while it won't be new to us, it will be to them!

Before I could even think about what would be good to prepare, Jeff chimed in with "I already have an idea! Let's do that crazy Chipotle-Maple Peanut Brittle!". I had to remind him that this wasn't only for him and he would have to share - he pouted for a minute, but then agreed and said he would do his best to not horde it all.

I did update the directions slightly in the recipe. First is pan selection - when you pour the molten candy on the piece of parchment paper, try and line the paper (a silpat works wonderful here too) in a pan that either doesn't have raised edges or is open on at least two sides. When you flatten the candy with a rolling pin (fantastic method, by the way!), if you use a traditional four-sided sheet pan, it makes it a little tricky - doable, but tricky. Also, as you top the candy with parchment paper to roll, be sure to leave it there for about 5 minutes once you are done - if you try to tear it off right away, the candy likes to stick a bit, pulling up thin strings that harden quickly into sharp spears!

Sweet, a touch salty (salted peanuts are a must!) and a burn that slowly creeps up to take you by surprise, if you love unique treats, this is one you can't pass up! If you missed our first post and would like to read about our first foray into this intriguing brittle, check it out here.

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